Helping Hands International is continuing our outreach to Cambodia! In 2024, we plan to help Friendship Ministries, who is focused on developing a thriving network of house churches in and around Kampong Cham, renovate a local Christian school. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us!
DATE: 1/6/2024 - 1/19/2024
LOCATION: Kampong Cham, Cambodia
ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 per person trip fee (plus airfare to Phnom Penh, Cambodia - currently estimated at $1,650)
REGISTER: Click here to Volunteer with us!
Time for construction!
We will be partnering with World Team Missionaries to help finish a new school facility renovation for Friendship Ministries located in Kampong Cham Cambodia.
Friendship Ministries is focused on developing a thriving network of house churches in and around Kampong Cham, Cambodia. The ministry’s vision is to have a network of house churches made up of reproducing disciples that impact the community around them for Christ in every district in Kampong Cham provinces. In 2022, the Friendship Ministries consisted of seven house churches led by five house church leaders with 41 people in attendance. They also have a Sunday church meeting that sees weekly attendance from 60 to 70 people. Friendship Ministries have set out to communicate the Gospel in both word and deed by serving the poor through free medical care and education.
Poverty is a vicious trap for Cambodia’s poor. Education is one form of development that can help free them from the cycle of poverty; however, education is also hardest for them to attain. Most children in the provinces are unable to receive a sustained education, and many of them drop out of school by second grade.
To meet this need, their team started a small school introducing first grade in the fall of 2009. The staff consists of Cambodian Christian teachers who have a unique opportunity to serve communities and influence students, their parents, and neighbors for Christ. As of 2023, Friendship School teaches grade 1 through 9 and also assists students in grades 10 through 12 with education through the government school. They also assist a few college students that graduated from Friendship School. They teach or assist over 250 students.
Below is a basic schedule for the week, which we approach with flexibility because our ultimate focus is on serving Christ and growing in our relationships with one another!
Saturday, Jan 6th:
Monday, Jan 8th:
Tuesday, Jan 9th:
Wednesday, Jan 10th:
Thursday, Jan 11th:
Friday, Jan 12th:
Saturday, Jan 13th:
Sunday, Jan 14th:
Monday, Jan 15th:
Tuesday, Jan 16th:
Wednesday, Jan 17th:
Thursday, Jan 18th:
Where We Stay & What We Eat
Lodging will be provided at a local hotel and will consist of a hotel room for each volunteer. The food is also prepared by hotel staff or restaurants and will reflect a variety of traditional Cambodian foods.
In January, the weather is dry, but the temperatures are slightly cooler - it's usually expected to be approximately 25°C - 30°C (77F - 86F) at this time of year.
Helping Hands International recommends you follow the health and safety recommendations readily published by the CDC and Travel Alert program offered by the US State Department, as well as those recommended by your personal physician. Please click here for vaccination requirements and/or recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Please note, if you do take prescription medicines, please check with your local pharmacist to ensure the medicines are not considered a controlled substance in the location you are traveling.
Please be sure to read specific passport and visa requirements listed here, per the U.S. State Department. "You will need a valid passport and a Cambodian visa to enter Cambodia. Tourist and business visas are valid for one month from the date of entry into Cambodia. Cambodia offers on-line visa processing. You may also apply in person at the Cambodian Embassy located at 4530 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011, tel. 202-726-7742, fax 202-726-8381. Tourists and business travelers may also obtain a Cambodian visa at the airports in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and at all major border crossings. Cambodian immigration officials at airports now collect fingerprints upon entry using an inkless, electronic process. You will need two passport-sized (4cm by 6cm) photographs and a passport valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date of entry into Cambodia."
“Helping Hands International has a connection with a local missionary who works with World Team in Cambodia.
A few years ago (pre-COVID 19) HHI reached out to see if World Team needed help on any local projects but, due to the pandemic, any volunteer opportunities were postponed.
However, we were invited to World Team's 2022 Annual Field Conference and it was a huge success!
This Annual Field Conference was primarily designed to encourage and equip local missionaries serving in Cambodia and HHI was specifically asked to provide worship and child-care to the children of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
However, we were also able to meet and begin building relationships with many World Team Missionaries!
Through these new relationships, Helping Hands was asked to serve along side Chris and Amy Gesler and their family in 2023. Specifically, they asked us to send a team of skilled volunteers to help them renovate a new school building they have been able to purchase for their expanding Friendship ministry."
– Ron Ashpole, HHI Founder and President
DATE: 11/04/2022-11/17/2022
LOCATION: Siem Reap, Cambodia
ESTIMATED COST: $800 per person per trip from San Francisco (plus airfare to Siem Reap, Cambodia - currently estimated at $1,650)
We plan to encourage approximately 55 missionaries and their children over a 4-5 day Annual Field Conference in Cambodia. We expect to serve about 30-35 adults attending the conference, and about 20 or so children, ranging from infants to high school students. The plan is to serve at the conference through a half day program, generally from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., build relationships with the missionaries serving there, and explore the area in the afternoons/evenings.
Below is a basic schedule for the week, which we approach with flexibility because our ultimate focus is on serving Christ and growing in our relationships with one another!
10 A.M. – Meet at San Francisco airport and board plane to Cambodia
10 A.M. – Arrive in Siem Reap, Cambodia
7:30 A.M. – Breakfast
8:15 A.M. – Breakfast duties, devotions and group meeting
8:30 A.M. – Serve at conference (worship and child care)
12:30 P.M. – Finish conference
1:30 P.M. – Explore Siem Reap
5:00 P.M. – Dinner, evening duties, debrief and optional outreach opportunities
7:30 A.M. – Breakfast
8:15 A.M. – Breakfast duties, devotions and group meeting
8:30 A.M. – Serve at conference (worship and child care)
12:30 P.M. – Finish conference
1:30 P.M. – Explore Siem Reap
5:00 P.M. – Dinner, evening duties, debrief and optional outreach opportunities
7:30 A.M. – Breakfast
8:15 A.M. – Breakfast duties, devotions and group meeting
8:30 A.M. – Serve at conference (worship and child care)
12:30 P.M. – Finish conference
1:30 P.M. – Explore Siem Reap
5:00 P.M. – Dinner, evening duties, debrief and optional outreach opportunities
7:30 A.M. – Breakfast
8:15 A.M. – Breakfast duties, devotions and group meeting
8:30 A.M. – Serve at conference (worship and child care)
12:30 P.M. – Finish conference
1:30 P.M. – Explore Siem Reap
5:00 P.M. – Dinner, evening duties, debrief and optional outreach opportunities
7:30 A.M. – Breakfast
8:15 A.M. – Breakfast duties, devotions and group meeting
8:30 A.M. – Serve at conference (worship and child care)
12:30 P.M. – Finish conference
1:30 P.M. – Explore Siem Reap
5:00 P.M. – Special dinner feast, debrief, free time and pack up
7:30 A.M. – Head home
Where We Stay & What We Eat
Lodging will be provided at a local hotel (talk to Tim for details) and will consist of a hotel room for each volunteer. The food is also prepared by hotel staff and will reflect a variety of traditional Cambodian foods.
After the heavy rains of September and October, November is refreshingly dry and comparatively cool. It's the start of the cooler, dry season, but as Cambodia is a tropical country, the weather continues to be warm. The average November temperature in the capital, Phnom Penh, is 81°F (27°C).
Helping Hands International recommends you follow those health and safety recommendations readily published by the CDC and Travel Alert program offered by the US State Department, as well as those recommended by your personal physician. COVID-19 testing varies by Country and may be necessary before this trip departure and before returning to the USA. Please click here for vaccination requirements and/or recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We also suggest you check with your personal health clinic or physician regarding what vaccines or medicines you may require while participating on this service project. Please note, if you do take prescription medicines, please check with your local pharmacist to ensure the medicines are not considered a controlled substance in the location you are traveling. Finally, please be sure to read HHI's COVID-19 policy, and Consent to Leave the Country (for minors) form, requirements below.
Please be sure to read specific passport and visa requirements listed here, per the U.S. State Department. "You will need a valid passport and a Cambodian visa to enter Cambodia. Tourist and business visas are valid for one month from the date of entry into Cambodia. Cambodia offers on-line visa processing. You may also apply in person at the Cambodian Embassy located at 4530 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011, tel. 202-726-7742, fax 202-726-8381. Tourists and business travelers may also obtain a Cambodian visa at the airports in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and at all major border crossings. Cambodian immigration officials at airports now collect fingerprints upon entry using an inkless, electronic process. You will need two passport-sized (4cm by 6cm) photographs and a passport valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date of entry into Cambodia."
“Helping Hands International has a connection with a local missionary who works with World Team in Cambodia.
A few years ago (pre-COVID 19) HHI reached out to see if World Team needed help on any local projects but, due to the pandemic, any volunteer opportunities were postponed.
However, we are happy to announce that we have now been invited to serve at World Team's Annual Field Conference in November 2022!
This Annual Field Conference is primarily designed to encourage and equip local missionaries serving in Cambodia and HHI has been specifically asked to provide worship and child-care to the children of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We are excited about the opportunity to build-up the church by encouraging these full-time missionaries and their children in Cambodia and hope you will consider joining us!”
– Tim Plankenhorn, HHI Program Director & Team Leader