Helping Hands International currently serves in several villages and cities in Kenya, including but not limited to Rakwaro, Nairobi, Kakamega, and Kiwawa! We invite you to join us in sharing the love of God by bring help and hope to hurting people in this beautiful place!
Trip fee - $1,500 per person (plus airfare) - please register for the trip PRIOR to paying! :)
This years Kenya trip will include :
Where We Stay & What We Eat
We will be staying in local hotels and eating in approved restaurants.
What to Bring
Transportation consists of land cruisers and/or local trucks and vans. There is also an opportunity to walk around the village and local landmarks.
Helping Hands International recommends you follow the health and safety recommendations readily published by the CDC and Travel Alert program offered by the US State Department, as well as those recommended by your personal physician. Please click here for vaccination requirements and/or recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Please note, if you do take prescription medicines, please check with your local pharmacist to ensure the medicines are not considered a controlled substance in the location you are traveling.
Please be sure to read specific passport and visa requirements listed here, per the U.S. State Department. U.S. and Canadian citizen (adult or child): Must have a current passport with the expiration date no later than 6 months of your return date, plus an e-visa before boarding an aircraft.
We are planning to complete another dental camp for orphans and vulnerable at the Amati Center for Orphans in Kenya, visit various ministries and schools in Nairobi, Kenya, and visit sponsored children (and check on projects) in Rakwaro, Kenya, including a new well!
– Crissy Christian, HHI Team Leader
2023: Kenya agricultural workshop.
DATE: 10/05/2023-10/18/2023
Trip fee - $1,500 per person (plus airfare) - please register for the trip PRIOR to paying! :)
This years Kenya trip will include :
We are planning to complete a dental camp for orphans and vulnerable in Kakamega, Kenya at the Amati Center for Orphans. We also plan to visit various ministries and schools in Nairobi, Kenya as well as visit sponsored children (and check on projects) in Rakwaro, Kenya.
– Crissy Christian, HHI Team Leader
Check out this post-trip video to get an idea of what we did in 2022!
DATE: 09/09/2022-09/21/2022 - (Update as of 6/2/22: This trip is full.)
Currently under review but expect $1,200 per person (plus airfare).
Click here for payment schedules
$10k (these funds are used to pay for the two houses we plan to build)
We are currently finalizing our travel plans but expect the service trip to involve:
“With help from the locals, Helping Hands International started sponsoring the Christian Dream School and Child Sponsorship Program in Rakwaro, Kenya (a remote village located in the Northwest portion of Kenya, specifically near the shores of Lake Victoria) around 2016.
Initially, we helped approximately 70 families and over 100 children in this small village.
However, over the past couple of years we extended our Child Sponsorship Program to reach multiple schools in Nairobi, Kenya (e.g. Mcedo Beijing School, Bethany Education Centre, Destiny Junior Academy) and two orphanages - one in Kakamega, Kenya (e.g. Amati Center for Orphans) and another in Andhra Pradesh, India (Bethany Children Home).
We now have over 200 students in the Child Sponsorship Program who receive regular, meals, education and the good news of the gospel, thanks to God and our monthly sponsors.
In 2021, we also started forming a college/trade school scholarship program for students who have graduated from high school and expressed interest in pursuing a higher education.
We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us on a service project in Kenya in 2022 or becoming a monthly sponsor!
– Crissy Christian, HHI Team Leader
The Reveal Video: Here is a short video of the Kenya Team's trip!
DATE: 06/13/21-06/25/21
ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 per person per trip (plus airfare)
This service trip will involve:
“Rakwaro is a remote village located in the Northwest portion of Kenya, specifically near the shores of Lake Victoria.
Transportation in the village largely consists of walking and bicycling.
With help from the locals, Helping Hands International has been able to sponsor the Christian Dream School and the Child Sponsorship program in this area, which benefits approximately 70 families and has more than 100 children.
These students receive regular meals, school uniforms and the good news of the gospel.”
– Ron Ashpole, HHI Founder & President
Kiwawa, Kenya
Helping Hands International has been serving in this location for over 15 years, thanks to the pioneering work of Dick and Jane Hamilton, who began their missionary work there more than 25 years ago.
Over the past several years Dick and Jane were able to witness and share the gospel with thousands of people while they lived in the community with the local people.
They also had the opportunity to build a mission base in the village that is still being used today by Helping Hands International for yearly projects.
Over the years, our non-profit installed a brand new community well with a holding tank, a solar pump, and made water accessible for the entire village (consisting of hundreds of people), completely changing the community.
During 2019, we were able to send a team of 12 people to the village to renovate a local medical clinic, which was put in years ago by Dick and Jane, to ensure it was in a usable state again.
In 2020, we were happy to announce a new full-time Nurse working in the clinic, which was again life changing for the village and the surrounding area, because it is one of the only options for people seeking medical help within 75 miles.
Rakwaro, Kenya
We have also supported this local village through a robust Child Sponsorship Program (which provides monthly sponsorship for students under the age of 14 with access to food, education and the good news of the gospel), fresh water and agricultural projects and an annual Christmas Party.
Nairobi, Kenya
In 2019, we helped the Mcedo Beijing School in the Mathare slums of Nairobi by drilling a borehole that generated a new water well, which ultimately provided clean water for hundreds of local students and families. We also decided to expand our Child Sponsorship program to support students from this location and partnered with long term missionary, Mike Hyodo, to carryout local dental clinics.
In 2020, we added another local Nairobi school to our Child Sponsorship program by partnering with Bethany Education Center. In 2021, we grew our Child Sponsorship Program again to include Destiny Junior Academy, which is another extremely impoverished area in Nairobi (click here to see students currently waiting for a monthly sponsor)! And, In 2023 we drilled a water well
Beyond Nairobi, Kenya
In 2022, we expanded our Child Sponsorship program to feed 1,600 students per week at the Mcedo Beijing School, Bethany Education Center and Destiny Junior Academy and now have a Feeding Program and Orphan Outreach through the Amati Child Development Initiative.
In the same year, we started a Women's Savings & Loans program, which started with a handful of women in one location and has now grown to three locations in Kenya with 100 women in the program.